Students are expected to make the best use of the college library. Students are required to be in the library during the library hours and whenever they have no classes.

  1. All students and members of the teaching and non-teaching staff are members of the library.

  2. The library will be kept open from 8.30 a.m to 6.00 p.m on all working days.

  3. Strict silence is to be observed within the library.

  4. No students shall write upon, damage or make any mark upon a journal or book belonging to the library.

  5. Students will not be issued more than three books for B.Ed students and five books to M.Ed students, seven books to M.phil students and ten books to P.hd students at a time.

  6. Borrowers are responsible for loss or damage of books under their custody. The date slip and the number label should not be tampered with. Serious action shall be taken in case of violation of this rule. Every book will be examined as soon as it is returned and if any book is found marred, soiled or damaged, the borrowers shall be required to replace the book with fine, or pay the compensation as per the rule.

  7. Borrowers on receiving books are expected to examine them before they leave the library and report the damage to the librarian immediately, is any.

  8. Books taken from the library should not be retained by any student for more than 7 days, but they may be renewed for a further period of 5 days on request.

  9. Books borrowed at the commencement of vacation exceeding 7 days should be returned on the day immediately after the vacation.

  10. A fine of one rupee per day per book will be levied for delay in returning the book.

  11. Fines will be collected before issuing the hall ticket for the examination.

  12. Reference books, bound volumes of periodicals, and bound copies of university examination question paper shall not be let out.

  13. Borrowers shall on no account sub lend books to others.

  14. Absence from the college shall not be an excuse for any delay in returning book. Books due on a holiday shall be returned on the next working day.

  15. Librarian may recall any book at any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired.

  16. No reading material shall be removed from its place in the reading room without the knowledge of the librarian.

  17. Users are requested to press the thumb in the biometric machine at the main door..

  18. Members are required to handle all magazines and journals with care.

  19. The maximum number of books that a teacher can borrow from the library is ten and the loan period is one month.

  20. Research scholars from other institutions shall also be allowed to use the library with the permission of the Principal.